The Reunion
RATING: 4 Stars (★★★★)
SPICE LEVEL: 1 Spicy Pepper (🌶)
DISCLOSURE: I was given a free copy of The Reunion from Atria Books in exchange for an honest review.
Author: Kayla Olson
Publisher: Atria Books
Is it on KU?: Nope, it is not.
TW: Death of a Parent
Pub Day: 1/17/23
This was a solid four-star book from a Debut Author with lots of potential. I loved Liv and Ransom. I loved them so much that I think this was a missed opportunity to write in Dual POV. Ransom’s backstory was interesting, and I would have loved to see more about that. I also wish it was an open-door romance, but I wish every book was open-door. Nevertheless, still a great debut from Author Kayla Olson.
I highly recommend this book if you liked Twice in a Blue Moon by Christina Lauren. It has very similar themes surrounding fame, reuniting with old friends, and revisiting your teen years as an adult.
This is a great option if you prefer closed-door romance! Also, isn’t the cover BEAUTIFUL!!!